Managing Thoughts Might Be Fun!

woman managing her thoughts with mindful deep breathing

Thought management is something that might sound boring. But managing thoughts can be life-changing and even kind of fun once we get the hang of it! 

Why would you even want to manage thoughts? 

Because our thoughts are how we see the world.

If we choose to focus on the negative thoughts then we see the world in a pessimistic way. However, if we practice focusing on positive thoughts then our lens of the world is more beneficial. 

There is a dichotomy of positive and negative in life.

We cannot deny that fact! Even so, we can appreciate both but choose to focus on those things that are positive and things we can control. When we choose to see the world as an abundant experience rather than choosing to focus on the negative and see the world as a world of scarcity then we rob ourselves of happiness. This is our choice as human beings experiencing everyday circumstances. This is how we manage our thoughts day in and day out. By choosing to focus on the positive we create a productive and more meaningful life. 

Can We Control Our Thoughts?

Often I hear others say that thoughts are just thoughts and they can not be controlled, but that is not true. We can look at every situation and see the positive and the negative and intentionally practice reframing when circumstances appear difficult, unmanageable, or too far out of our reach. 

Overcoming Negative Self-Talk

For example, I decided to go back to school in my forties. But before I made that choice I had a lot of negative thoughts about why I shouldn't go back to school. First thought; I am too old.  Second, I would get laughed at because I was older. Another thought, it will be too hard, and I am too scared, and on and on my negative thoughts spiral downward. 

These thoughts went on for a year before I decided I would take one class. So I enrolled at the community college. What I found out was that my thoughts were just thoughts. There were people older than me and nobody laughed out loud at me; many were helpful and kind. Also, the class was not too hard but it did take time and effort. And it was scary because I was doing something new but I got over the uncomfortable, awkward, and scary feelings after the first week. 

Thoughts Create Our Feelings

As I reminisced on this experience I was able to see that not only did I realize my thoughts were not reality but just thoughts. I also learned that I can feel uncomfortable, awkward, and scary feelings and live through the experience. Most often we are reluctant to feel feelings that don't feel good but they do not last forever and they don’t kill us. Once I followed through with the idea of going to school, those feelings left because my thoughts changed about the circumstances; thoughts do create our feelings. 

Thought management is empowering!

When we can follow through with our wants and needs we can see reality instead of just imagining; we can create the life we want. 

My life was changed by taking the leap of faith and taking only one class to see if all my thoughts about going back to school in my forties were doable. And what I found out was that it was and this gave me confidence and courage to go all in. 

It took me 6 years and changing my major a few times, but I did it. Along the way, I had to continually practice managing my thoughts.

Like anything worthwhile, it is challenging. Yet, this is where we grow; in the opposition and challenges of life.

In the end, as I looked back on my accomplishment using my reframe skill it was fun! The learning, getting to know new and interesting people, and helping and assisting others on their journey were gratifying and life-changing, as I managed my thoughts along the journey of academia. 

Take Control of Your Thoughts By Scheduling a Counseling Session

My fundamental philosophy includes person-centered counseling in conjunction with Cognitive Behavior Therapy (CBT) with the idea that thoughts create feelings, and feelings create our actions or behaviors.

People can manage emotions and behaviors by choosing thoughts with intention and purpose!

All emotions are good. Life is not meant to be happy all day, every day, but feeling a range of emotions means embracing pain, levels of sadness, frustrations, guilt, anxiety, anger, heartache, and happiness. Good mental health encompasses understanding that we can learn and grow through adversity and embrace all emotions.

For further information on therapy or to schedule a consultation with Jodi, please visit The Healing Center's website at

Contact The Healing Center via phone (702)505-1280 or email


Thought Management Can Change Your Life!


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